Shipping & Returns

Return Policy

When It Comes to Returns & exchanges, Nostalgic Novelties has a simple return request process. If you are unsatisfied with your order send an email to The email will require the all of following information and meet all conditions to be considered for approval.

  1. The order receipt (screenshot)
  2. Date of Purchase
  3. Date of Arrival (to be considered this item must have arrived no longer then 7 days ago)
  4. Return or exchange request?
  5. Photo of item (if approved item will need to be shipped back and inspected before refund or exchange instated)

(ALL RETURNS OR EXCHANGES WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL EMAIL IS APPROVED. PLEASE NOTE EMAILING YOUR REQUEST DOESN'T GURRANTEE APPROVAL! Either way you will be notified with the conclusion of the decision and further steps within 4 business days also return shipping will be at buyers expense even if full refund is accepted)